

尔湾是各种旅行者的中心枢纽,无论他们是来这里参加商务会议、观看体育赛事,还是带着家人来这里度假,这里都能为他们提供多种多样的选择。 23 家酒店 这些酒店可满足各种需求和预算。尔湾酒店拥有近 4,900 间客房,从提供全面服务的酒店到提供长期住宿的酒店应有尽有,确保为各类旅客提供舒适和便利。无论您是来工作、出席特殊场合,还是与亲人一起度假,您都会发现这里的酒店都位于欧文著名景点附近,有些酒店还提供免费早餐和小厨房,是您节省餐饮成本、方便用餐的理想之选。

entrance of atrium hotel irvine
atrium irvine lobby
meeting room at atrium irvine with chairs table and chandelier
standard king room at atrium irvine
尔湾中庭酒店 - 橙县机场
18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612
entrance at Courtyard Irvine John Wayne Airport
courtyard jwa entrance
guestroom at courtyard john wayne irvine
fitness center at courtyard john wayne irvine
2701 Main St.
courtyard irvine spectrum hotels near spectrum
pool at courtyard irvine spectrum
cabana and lounge chairs at courtyard spectrum irvine
meeting space with chairs Courtyard by Marriott - Irvine Spectrum
courtyard irvine spectrum lobby
加州尔湾尔湾中心大道 7955 号 92618
bike rental at element irvine
dining area at element irvine
pool at element irvine
king guestroom at element irvine
pet friendly element irvine
gym at element irvine
meeting room at element irvine
加州尔湾阿姆斯特朗大道 17662 号 92614
hampton inn and suites irvine
two queen bed room at hampton inn and suites
king bedroom with sofa at hampton inn and suites
gym at hampton inn and suites
meeting room at hampton inn and suites
加州尔湾杜邦大道 2192 号 92612
patio at hilton irvine
pool area at hilton irvine
room at hilton irvine
hilton irvine hotel lobby
aura bar at hilton irvine
patio at hilton irvine at night
加州尔湾市麦克阿瑟大道 18800 号 92612
lobby at homewood suites irvine
outside view of homewood suites in irvine
lobby and ceiling of homewood suites in irvine
kitchen area at a suite at homewood suites in irvine
suite with kitchen and dining area at homewood suites irvine
pool and fireplace at homewood suites in irvine
pool and fireplace at homewood suites in irvine
lobby at homewood suites irvine
17370 Red Hill Ave.
Hyatt House Exterior
Hyatt House Exterior
Hyatt House Lobby
Hyatt House Pool
Hyatt House Gym
Hyatt House Bar
Hyatt House Breakfast
2320 Main Street Irvine CA 92614
Hyatt Regency Irvine
Hyatt Regency Irvine Room
Hyatt Regency Irvine Room
Pool at Hyatt Regency
Hyatt Regency Conference Room
Hyatt Regency Dining
加州尔湾 Jamboree 路 17900 号 92614
renovated pool at irvine marriott
guestroom at irvine marriott
topgolf suite at irvine marriott
fitness center at irvine marriott
putting green at irvine marriott
YNK Speakeasy at Irvine Marriott
ballroom at irvine marriott
加州尔湾冯卡曼大道 18000 号 92612
exterior of la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
hotel lobby at la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
hotel room at la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
fitness center at la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
hotel room at la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
pool at la quinta inn and suites irvine spectrum
14972 Sand Canyon Ave., Irvine, CA 92618
lawn at marriott irvine spectrum
heirloom farmhouse at marriott irvine spectrum
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james ballroom at marriott irvine spectrum
grove ballroom at marriott irvine spectrum
加州尔湾尔湾中心大道 7905 号 92618
Outside view of Residence Inn Hotel Irvine John Wayne Airport
Residence Inn - JWA Patio
Residence Inn Irvine John Wayne Airport Room Suite
Residence Inn Irvine John Wayne Airport Event Space
Board room at Residence Inn Irvine John Wayne Airport
尔湾-约翰-韦恩机场 Residence Inn 酒店
加州尔湾市缅街 2855 号 92614
Sonesta Simply Suites kitchen
Sonesta Simply Suites room
Sonesta Simply Suites BBQ
Sonesta Simply Suites Studio Kitchen
Sonesta Simply Suites bathroom
16150 Sand Canyon Ave.92618
lobby at springhill suites john wayne airport irvine
dining area at springhill suites john wayne airport irvine
market at springhill suites john wayne airport irvine
lobby at springhill suites john wayne airport irvine
outdoor patio at springhill suites john wayne airport irvine
尔湾 SpringHill Suites 酒店
加州尔湾市费奇 17601 号 92614
entrance at staybridge hotel irvine
studio suite at staybridge hotel irvine
kitchen at staybridge hotel irvine
patio at staybridge hotel irvine
basketball court at staybridge hotel irvine
gym at staybridge hotel irvine
meeting room at staybridge hotel irvine
Staybridge Suites - JWA
加利福尼亚州尔湾市巴兰卡公园路 1660 号 92606


加州尔湾市太平洋 90 号 92618


加州尔湾莫尔斯大道 2381 号 92614

尔湾光谱万豪 Residence Inn 酒店

10 Morgan, Irvine, CA 92618


17941 Von Karman Ave., Irvine, CA 92614


南加州的众多旅游景点都在尔湾短途车程范围内。除了大公园(Great Park),游客还可以在纽波特海滩(Newport Beach)和拉古纳海滩(Laguna Beach)享受阳光和冲浪。迪斯尼乐园、洛杉矶和圣地亚哥也近在咫尺。约翰-韦恩机场是距离尔湾最近的机场,就在尔湾商业区附近,为旅客提供了便利。

family at great park carousel
great park sports complex


尔湾全年都会举办各种体育活动和比赛,以满足不同的兴趣爱好。一些受欢迎的 体育设施 其中包括举办星际排球赛的 Momentous 体育中心、橙县足球俱乐部所在地--大公园冠军足球场、举办美国菲利普斯游泳赛的 Woollett 游泳中心、加州大学洛杉矶分校的 Bren 活动中心以及举办美国花样滑冰和美国曲棍球赛的大公园冰场等。尔湾的 23 家酒店都位于这些体育场馆附近,交通便利,方便附近城市(如塔斯廷和圣安娜)的游客以及外州的客人参加活动和享受住宿。根据您的需求规划住宿,例如 欧文大公园附近飯店橘郡足球俱乐部或伍勒特水上运动中心。


如果您计划去尔湾旅游,又想住在附近,有几处绝佳的选择。 尔湾光谱中心附近飯店尔湾光谱购物中心是一个广阔的室外购物中心,拥有 150 家商店和餐馆。这个一站式娱乐目的地附近的顶级酒店有尔湾光谱万豪酒店、Doubletree - Spectrum 酒店、La Quinta Inn and Suites 酒店和 Courtyard Spectrum 酒店。

the Spectrum irvine Shopping



尔湾有各种酒店可满足不同需求。对于商务旅客来说,位于尔湾商务区的酒店不仅设施现代,而且方便前往公司办公室和约翰-韦恩机场。尔湾凯悦酒店、尔湾希尔顿酒店、Sonesta 酒店、Embassy Suites 酒店、希尔顿花园酒店和尔湾万豪酒店就是其中的几家。预算有限的人可以在 La Quinta Inn and Suites 和 Hyatt House 找到经济实惠的住宿,这些酒店以优惠的价格提供基本的设施。


如果家庭希望延长住宿时间,并享受宽敞套房和小厨房带来的便利,Residence Inn - John Wayne Airport、Springhill Suites - John Wayne Airport 和 Staybridge Suites - John Wayne Airport 都是不错的选择。酒店还靠近尔湾大公园(Irvine's Great Park)和钻石嘉年华(Diamond Jamboree)。


尔湾是一座以公园闻名的城市,这里的开放空间是毛茸茸的朋友们的乐园,尔湾的大多数酒店也都热情好客。您可以找到更多有关各酒店的信息。 宠物政策.




有很多 加州大学欧文分校附近飯店 这些酒店提供宽敞的套房,非常适合长期住宿。 其中包括 Hyatt House、Embassy Suites、Hampton Inn and Suites 和 Staybridge。


联系方式 我们的团队寻求帮助!


尔湾酒店为因洛杉矶大火而撤离的急救人员和当地居民提供折扣价。尔湾的酒店将继续安全运营,为所有人营造温馨的氛围。 要了解更多信息,请访问 链接.

希望预订 10 人或以上的团体?有关体育团体,请通过以下方式联系销售总监 Dave Lucey dlucey@cityofirvine.org.

企业团体请联系销售经理 Charles Behnke,电话 cbehnke@cityofirvine.org.
